Technie Acceleration Tools
by Triangular Pixels

The project is to create a tool that will help developers make immersive VR content faster, cheaper and more accessible to disabled users and the general public.
18% of the UK working population is disabled and our population is aging, and we have some of the smallest living rooms in EU and our own history, and yet VR devices are also supporting larger and larger playareas. There’s a very real need to use alternative ways to create content for this diversifying medium. The current way of hand authoring every possible user situation is highly costly and tending towards impossible as it is just not scalable with the budgets available to VR developers.
These “Responsive Content Generation Tools” will be a system that will generate a VR world specific to a player’s device, location (playarea), physical and mental abilities. Games will adapt to players rather than players having to adapt to games.
The prototype will focus on the physical accessibility of immersive content, and will be both a demo for investors and publishers as well as allowing Triangular Pixels to test their design.
About the Team
Triangular Pixels has experience of developing for VR and AR stretching back to 2010. They focus on creating fun and innovative games; winning awards and critical success with their titles Unseen Diplomacy and Smash Hit Plunder. Katie Goode is Creative Director, board member of the BGI, and BAFTA Breakthrough Brit.