
Our afforestation-with-data app Vana aims to aggregate available data (including Land Registry, Companies House, WENP, the Forestry Commission and TISCreport) to identify:
Corporate-owned land banked for the long-term
Current usage of that land
The overlap with maps from public bodies/environmental NGOs/groups
Our prototype should determine:
Significance of corporate land ownership to the UK climate emergency response
The effect of transparency of land ownership on corporate behaviour
Key influencers creating the desired response from stakeholders
The aim of Vana is to:
Increase effective tree coverage
Reduce ineffective/damaging, unstrategic afforestation
Engage corporate activism in the war against climate change.
Stuart Gallemore, CTO, strategist, data scientist with 25 year’s experience in digital media, UX focussed and has led on successful projects (Visit Cornwall website, Enotria app for wholesale wine purchase, Rocksteady mobile website (A major games label with titles including the Bat-man game)), LittleBigPlanet website, and now
Melaine Virot, UX/UI Designer, Animator & Prototyper, responsible for design & comms for our digital clients. Recent work has included Visit Cornwall, TISCreport and The Institute for Social Impact Research.
Ross Tovey, Chief Dev-Ops, a full stack developer, also excels at UX, Interface design and Drupal. He has led projects such as Visit Truro, BetterByBike and further developed Visit Cornwall since redesign in 2016, and most recently Inside Asia. Now responsible for TISCreport data interfaces, integration & server security.
Jaya Chakrabarti MBE, Data Scientist, Digital Strategist, Social Impact Researcher, recognised by Her Royal Highness with an MBE for Services to the Creative Digital Sector. Also named one of the top 100 Asian Stars in Tech in 2019, she serves on the DCMS Digital Economy Business Advisory Group. A data scientist turned social entrepreneur turned norm entrepreneur, Jaya seeks to influence corporate behaviour to save the planet.