Becca Gill
In parallel to SWCTN’s Automation Fellowship programme Kaleider offered four Devon based individuals Research & Development bursaries. These bursaries are for new automative ideas or experiences that utilise Creative Technology.
Each recipient received up to a £2,000 bursary, residence at Kaleider Studios for the duration of the R&D, and mentoring in idea development, producing, funding and creative technology to support the future of their ideas.
Can a machine see your soul?
Becca Gill is artist who creates playful installations in public space using art and technology to engage people with the big questions of our time. The interactivity of the work she creates uses hidden technology to illicit a magical response in order to suspend disbelief and expand possibility. As Eugene Gendlin said “Experience is a myriad richness. We think more than we can say. We feel more than we can think. We live more than we can feel. And there is much more still”.
Can a machine see your soul and connect you with the idea of a human collective consciousness? Can
AI have a soul and experience the world in ways not too unlike the ways that we experience it – emotionally, intelligently, and spiritually? Is it true that no one soul exists in isolation?
“We soul in communities as we seek to maximise and safeguard the potential for human flourishing –
the common good. Souling, then, is not simply an emergent biological property, but a social one.”
Brandon Ambrosino, BBC FUTURE
Becca’s R&D process with her Automation microgrant focused on research in this area and worked towards developing an installation.
As a Producer, she has worked with Total Theatre, Activate, Inside Out, Falmouth University, Kaleider and Dartington.