We are excited to announce that our SWCTN Data Prototype Funding Call is now open.
We are aiming to fund ideas for prototypes in the field of Data that are brave and distinctive, that open up the field to new voices and challenge the status quo.
We are interested in collaborative working practices, and in alternative business models. We want to grow creative businesses across the South West.
We anticipate awarding grants of between £10k and £40k, and would encourage applications of all sizes between these limits. Prototyping will run from Dec 2020 for three months with a SWCTN Data Showcase between March – June 2021. We expect prototype teams to commit to the programme during this period.
Deadline for applications: 5pm on Sept 7 2020.

How to apply?
We know this call will be very competitive; please read the full Funding Call. We will also continue to update our Data Prototype Call FAQs, and there is also a webinaryou can watch if you have further questions.
Please complete the application form here (find the application questions in full via the Funding Call)
We aim to be as inclusive as possible and will work to accommodate all access requirements. We will discuss your needs and tailor how we do things to support you as best we can.
If writing is not your thing, we welcome alternative forms of application. Please get in touch with melissa.b@watershed.co.uk to talk about your options.
People of all ages, backgrounds and disciplines are welcome to apply. We strongly encourage applications from BAME, LGBTQI, Deaf and disabled candidates, as they are currently under-represented in the creative technology sector.

Talk to us!
Data Prototype Surgeries
If you’d like to discuss your idea in private before applying, please contact your local SWCTN KE Manager to book into one of our 1:1 confidential surgeries below. Conversations outside these dates may also be possible.
FALMOUTH – to book contact adam.stringer@falmouth.ac.uk or Lloyd.brina@falmouth.ac.uk
- 15 July
- 12 August
- 19 August
- 2 September
BATH – to book contact r.pownall@bathspa.ac.uk
- 13 July
- 13 August
- 3 September
PLYMOUTH – to book contact tom.edie@plymouth.ac.uk
- 4 August
- 7 August
- 10 August
- 11 August
- 4 Sept.
EXETER – book a time
- 22 July
- 5 August
- 19 August
- 2 September
BRISTOL – to book contact tom.trewhella@uwe.ac.uk or Melissa.b@watershed.co.uk
- 14 July
- 22 July
- 29 July
- 26 August
- 2 September