An introduction session with Fred Deakin; learn how to effectively facilitate your work online.
Date & Time: Wednesday 20th May 10 – 1pm (with breaks)
Location: Zoom
What you will need:
– A strong wifi connection and access to the internet (get in touch if you are unsure on any of this)
– Headphones with a mic attached (the Apple/Android ones that come with mobile devices are fine)
How can we create a positive disruption in digital space?
The creative industries are going through a radical and unprecedented period of evolution. If there is a silver-lining in this crisis, it may be that the virus is forcing us to use the internet as it was always meant to be used — to connect with one another, share information and resources, and come up with collective solutions to urgent problems. In response to this we would like to offer an opportunity to creatives to re-frame this time and evolve new forms of artistic engagement online.
Working with multidisciplinary artist and musician, Fred Deakin, we will offer an online session to look at how to facilitate new forms and emerging creative possibilities.